Your body undergoes many changes during pregnancy and continues to change postnatally.

As a new mother, you will inevitably feel anxious about these changes and your recovery.

  • Following childbirth, most women experience weakness in the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles with reduced core strength and stability.
  • Post-delivery, it is also common to experience pain and discomfort in the pelvic area. This can be due to many factors, such as episiotomy and interventions, which can place a lot of pressure and trauma on the pelvic floor and associated muscles.
  • 1 in 3 women experience postnatal urinary incontinence. 30% are still experiencing painful intercourse at six months, and 60% will have non-optimal abdominal separation at six weeks post-childbirth.

It is essential to address any issues that occur at this time to prevent problems such as leaking, back pain, pelvic pain, heaviness or dragging, prolapse, incontinence and abdominal separation later in life.