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Parsons Green
3rd Floor Brigade House
8 Parsons Green

Queen's Park
2nd Floor
105-109 Salusbury Road

Jesse's House
8-10 Heathmans Road
Parsons Green
C-Section Recovery & Scar Therapy
Whether your scar is from childbirth, surgery, or cancer treatment, we are here to support your healing journey.
Childbirth and surgeries, whether for birthing, abdominal issues, or breast cancer, can leave scars that can impact your daily life as well as your confidence.
Our specialist team is here to help you with personalised care to manage and heal these scars effectively.
- Perineal Tears and Episiotomies – During childbirth, you might experience a perineal tear or undergo an episiotomy (a surgical cut in the perineum). As these wounds heal, the scar tissue can become tight and stick to underlying layers of soft tissue. This can cause discomfort during intercourse and everyday activities. Scar massage can help increase the elasticity of the perineal tissues and reduce scar tissue, improving comfort and functionality.
- Caesarean Section Scars – If you’ve had a C-section, the surgery involves multiple layers of tissue. As these tissues heal, adhesions can form, affecting muscle movement and function. These adhesions can lead to pain over the scar, discomfort during sex, or pelvic floor issues such as bladder or bowel problems. Keeping the scar flexible is essential for optimal abdominal muscle function.
- Breast Cancer and Other Surgical Scars – Our specialised services also address scars from breast cancer surgeries and various abdominal or gynaecological procedures. Women may experience tightness, pulling, or discomfort around their scars, which can feel tender, itchy, or numb, and may appear pink or red and slightly raised.

Our dedicated physiotherapists specialize in scar therapy and rehabilitation, guiding you towards the best treatment for your needs.
Scar massage can aid healing by:
- Reducing the scar’s appearance
- Stimulating the skin and encouraging blood flow
- Promoting cellular growth to gradually fade the scar
- Reducing itching
- Providing moisture and flexibility to the scar
- Preventing complications like pain
Scar massage is most effective in the first six months, but even if it has been months or years since your surgery, it can still be beneficial. Scars continue to evolve, and it may take up to two years for complete healing.
Initially, your pelvic health physiotherapist may perform the massage, but you can continue at home to improve your scar’s healing process.
Our specialist pelvic health physiotherapists may also use other techniques to facilitate scar healing such as:
- Providing manual scar therapy to enhance movement and function, or to release tension in the scar and surrounding tissues.
- Prescribing breath and relaxation exercises.
- Offering specific exercises to improve tissue mobility, alleviate pain, and prevent recurrence.
- Educating you on pelvic floor muscle exercises, potentially using real-time ultrasound.
We also offer prenatal guidance and support during pregnancy to help you prepare for childbirth and optimize recovery.
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