At LETO, we appreciate that mothers and their bodies must be cared for just as much as their babies do, and we are thrilled to extend our support to the members of Jesse's House.

Following childbirth, most women experience weakness in the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles with reduced core strength and stability. 1 in 3 women experience postnatal urinary incontinence. 30% are still experiencing painful intercourse at six months, and 60% will have non-optimal abdominal separation at six weeks post-childbirth.

Harbouring symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction is exhausting. It is also essential to address any issues that occur at this time to prevent problems such as leaking, back pain, pelvic pain, heaviness or dragging, prolapse, incontinence and abdominal separation later in life.

Our team of specialist pelvic health physiotherapists will work with you to ensure you live your life and enjoy doing the things you love with confidence and trust in your body.

So whether you are experiencing symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction such as leaking, painful sex or prolapse, are finding return to intimacy difficult, haven’t had your postnatal pelvic health assessment, are pregnant and experiencing back or pelvic girdle pain or would like to prepare for birth in the best way, our expert team is here to look after you.